Dominic DeRose

Dominic DeRose

Managing Director, Real Estate

Dominic is a Managing Director for Cresset Real Estate Partners and is focused on Qualified Opportunity Zones, as well as industrial and logistics opportunities. Dominic’s experience is comprised of the full lifecycle of industrial and logistics developments, from site selection through the leasing process and disposition.

Prior to Cresset Partners, Dominic worked in brokerage for Colliers International, where he worked with occupiers, investors, and developers across the Midwest, actively participating in more than $400 million in transaction volume across acquisitions, leasing and dispositions. Dominic’s relationships with these groups allows for Cresset to have a unique window into markets and user and developer decision processes.

Dominic holds a Bachelor of Arts in the History of the Americas from Northwestern University and an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management, with a focus on the intersection between finance, real estate, and data analytics. Dominic continues to be active in the Kellogg real estate community and serves as the teaching assistant for the Real Estate Technology course.

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